Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Growing Out the Hair...Again!

You think I would learn but every 2-3 years I do the do' short. Never again was uttered back in February of 2008 after I did the inverted bob (aka A-line do'). It took no more than 10 minutes to make it look rather good and stylish. I completely believed that the A-line would be my new look for a year or two. Yeah...I was way off the mark on that one as usual. When I go short I always wind up hating it in a week or so because I feel self-conscious about my wide round face. It is not a good look for me. But being the compulsive person I am leads to things being done quickly without second thoughts. When I want change, change needs to happen today not tomorrow. So back in October of 2010 when the short hair idea popped up like a Jack-in-the-Box, without thought, I jumped like a jackass into the hairdresser chair...twice. The second time to make it shorter. What a horrible idea, I hated it from the beginning. So here we are in the midst of the growing out phase. I will let you know when I feel content.

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