Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The End of a Life

My friends father passed away early this morning at the age of 61. This scares me beyond belief since Steve is 57 even though my friends father had Type 1 diabetes for 30 years. Not only was he diabetic but he was stubborn enough not to change his way of life. However, my fear is always there like being surrounded by a light fog. RIP Mr. Y. On October 14th, 2008, my mil passed away at 5:15 pm. In that one moment material things are meaningless...the affectionate touch of your children is all that matters. My heart broke for my husband. He would never see her again in this lifetime. Thinking about what that means to me with my parents is heartbreaking. I need my mom and dad. I love my mom and dad. Time will never heal his heart for the loss of his dad and now his mom but time will make it less intense...I hope. Marg, thanks for the laughs on thursday 10/9/08. In the end you got your one bite of a taco bell taco shell with salsa. I will remember those 2 hours of talking and laughing forever.

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