Monday, March 14, 2011

Past Stories: T-Ball and Keven

Note: Written in past tense - January 2008.

Yesterday we signed Keven up for T-Ball. Not something I was entirely looking forward to due to the amount of dirt it involves ... the sliding, the dust, the dirty pants, the dirty hat, the dirty shirt, the dirty shoes, the dirty Keven. Breathe in - Breathe out. Repeat. I need to remember Keven needs to be a kid, it will make him happy. What is 3 months of mental hell anyway compared to my son's happiness? Just ask Steve. I am completely terrific to live with ... there is no where else he would rather be. And for the BIG NEWS - Kindergarten Registration was completed today. He will have to focus on learning in school and at home. Homework will be the best part of our night. Start your homework, please. I don't want to mom. Keven, please do your homework. But moooom, I'm tired. Keven, kindergartners need to do their homework so the teacher knows how smart they are. (tears are forming) But, mom ... I can't do it, I'm sweaty mom, I have a headdick. Apparently, doing anything academic wise causes him to be sick. Great times are definitely going to be had by all ...

As of today, Keven is focusing on swimming and soccer not baseball. Darn it. And we are improving on the homework situation. Now he only has a sweating problem. Apparently thinking is a physical activity.

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