Monday, March 21, 2011

Past Stories: Throwing My Back Out

Note: Written in past tense - January 2009. In honor of my broken leg, I will reminisce about the last time I held the supervisor. Or we could say my back is throwing me out of the moving game!!! I am officially done with lifting boxes for the next few days. This is just a perfect way to start off the year. For the record, Steve, my dear husband needs to take my answer to his question seriously. No means no. Not yes. "Can you lift the dryer one more time?"...uh..."No, I think I pulled something." "Yes, you can just one more time. Lift with the knees. I just need your help one more time." "Fine." Of course, as I lifted a short quick pain shot through my back...I had graduated from a minor pull to a state of uselessness. And believe when I say the ceiling is quite boring to stare at for hours on end...but the good news is I am no longer floor bound. My couch is quite comfy if I do not move... On the bright side, I was promoted to lazy supervisor...point and direct. That should teach my husband the meaning of NO.

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