Monday, March 7, 2011

Past Stories: Isabel's Words at 21 months

I miss all the cuteness that comes with a toddler. So I decided to reminisce about all the words and phrases she was saying at approximately 22 months. All I had to do was search through my collection of pictures, schoolwork, and notes safely stored in the cabinet patiently waiting to be entered into a scrapbook. Of course, I may not get to it until the little hoodlums are like 19, 12 and 9.

1. da da (daddy)
2. na na (grandma and sometime used for mommy)
3. ish (fish)
4. ba bye
5. mahr (more)
6. mai da da (my daddy)
7. ba ba (bottle)
8. sho (shoe)
9. bratha (brother)
10. oggie (doggie)
11. wuff wuff
12. hah hah (hot hot - usually in a whisper)
13. col (cold)
14. boh (bowl)
15. dat (that)
16. tis (this)
17. cah (car)
18. pa pa (grandpa)
19. haa (hat)
20. bay- ee (blankie)
21. ha-o (hello)
22. saca (soccer)
23. chacla (chocolate)

1. No Autin
2. Hi Autin
3. My bla bla (blanket)
4. Lets go
5. Let go
6. Go get it
7. Sit down
8. Dada, lay down
9. Close it
10. No, dipa (diaper)
11. Mama, sit down

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